"True health and wellbeing is so much more than diet and exercise...''
When I got kicked by a horse in my teens I never thought I would be where I am today.
I had to mentally and physically get myself back to full health.
I suppose in my life I never felt the need to exercise (I never saw the point ). I was your typical skinny teenager, who could eat what she liked without putting on any weight and was always about average in P.E. at school.
But after my injury, I got set a strict programme of exercises in the gym. My rehabilitation was hard and very frustrating at first (human nature we always want to be able to do everything correctly the first time). But with patience and determination, I started to feel and see the results mentally and physically.
I became invested and determined to learn more about the body and I enrolled myself on my first course, I'm a great believer you never stop learning, and still to this day invest my time in reading new research and enrolling on new courses.
I think we can all agree that the pandemic changed our lifes and has made us realise its very much about the mental well being aswell as the physical well being of each indivual.
So now I ask myself with each indiviual I work with and with each class and workplace how can I help improve my clients mind set....
I will not offer you an overnight transformation or a quick fix it's about.
Healthier Approach
Healthy behaviour
Fresh air
Clean diet
Positive energy